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Unit 1
Introduction & How to Use (4:53)
Lesson 1: Greetings & Pronunciation, Infinitive, Imperative (30:02)
Lesson 2: Negative Imperative, Polite Imperative (14:33)
Lesson 3: Present Tense (12:34)
Lesson 4: Questions, Indeclinable Words (15:22)
Lesson 5: Present Negative Tense (8:40)
Lesson 6: Numbers, I-/ZI- (16:28)
Lesson 7: Arabic Adjectives, Countries & Languages, Prepositions (11:19)
Lesson 8: M-/WA-, Adjectives with Vowel Stems (16:27)
Lesson 9: Possessives, Past Tense (16:50)
Lesson 10: KI-/VI-, Animals (12:16)
Audio: Unit 1 (18:09)
Unit 2
Lesson 11: Adjectives with Consonant Stems (11:06)
Lesson 12: Direct Objects, English Adjectives (19:01)
Lesson 13: Food, Future Tense, Adverbs (3:57)
Lesson 14: Personal Pronouns, "To Be" (15:19)
Lesson 15: Habitual Tense, "To Have" (10:17)
Lesson 16: Passive Verbs (8:46)
Lesson 17: Perfect Tense, Stative Verbs (21:55)
Lesson 18: Adverbs 2, Demonstratives, Conditional Tense (18:16)
Lesson 19: M-/MI-, -ni Locational Suffix, Kwa (14:33)
Unit 3
Lesson 20: Subjunctive (16:32)
Lesson 21: "There is," Causative Verbs, "Kupiga" (6:39)
Lesson 22: Prepositional Verbs, Reciprocal Verbs (22:38)
Lesson 23: JI-/MA-, Reflexive Verbs (10:20)
Lesson 24: -nge- Tense, More I-/ZI- Nouns (10:58)
Lesson 25: Narrative Tense, Compound Tenses (8:22)
Lesson 26: More Verbs, "-aje" (10:13)
Lesson 27: -enye, amba- (16:26)
Lesson 28: More Verbs, Irregular Adjectives (13:58)
Lesson 29: Relative Infixes, Relative of Time (13:04)
Lesson 30: Other Personal Possessives, Emphatics, Demonstratives of Reference, and Congratulations! (18:32)
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Lesson 26: More Verbs, "-aje"
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